Moments: Timeless Moments

In the quest for evolution and innovation, it’s easy to get caught up in trends and what’s new. But what’s new isn’t always what’s best. Sometimes the wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented. Sometimes if it isn’t broken, you shouldn’t try to fix it. Sometimes there are lessons to be learned from past success. There are timeless products and strategies that have proven effective throughout the years and abandoning them for something new just to try to stay current is foolish. When it comes to print and promotional products, sometimes it’s best to stick with what’s tried and true. In this blog post, we’ll discuss three categories of battle-tested products that you should still be using today:

  1. Apparel
  2. Bags
  3. Writing Instruments


Apparel provides a unique opportunity to put your logo on something every single person in the world uses. Putting your company logo on things like shirts, jackets, or pants provides brand exposure everywhere the person wearing it goes. Worldwide, brand recall is the highest for apparel items, with 85% of people able to recall the advertiser seen on an article of clothing.

Branded apparel works well in the context of uniforms, too. Whatever your business may be, consumers overwhelmingly prefer to see employees wearing the same uniforms. In fact, 94% of consumers prefer staff in uniforms because it makes members of the team more easily recognizable.

Apparel is also consistent. Yes, there are clothing trends that come and go, but most clothes are versatile enough to transcend fashion fads and can find utility in any era. Likewise, apparel provides a tangible and practical item that the recipient can take with them and find use for in their everyday lives. Read more about the impact of apparel here.


If you’re looking for the promo product that generates the most impressions, the answer is bags! They generate nearly 6,000 impressions over the time the item is used. Bags also pass the utility test, serving a practical application in everyday life by carrying around your valuables.

The other great thing about bags is they are extremely cheap in terms of cost per impression. At one- tenth of a cent, bags tie with writing instruments for the lowest cost per impression of any promotional product in the U.S.

If bags are that inexpensive, that visible, and that effective, why would you ever stop using them in your promo strategy? Whether it’s a tote, a backpack, a duffel, or any other kind of bag, these tried-and-true promo items are perfect for your business.

Writing Instruments

I know what you’re thinking: “pens are boring and overdone; nobody wants another pen.” But what’s great about writing instruments is their practicality. 77% of consumers say a promotional product’s usefulness is the number one reason to keep it, and health and safety products, computer products, and writing instruments rank as the most useful.

The numbers show just how important this type of product is to consumers. 73% of people have a pen with them at all times. (6) It’s one of those things you never know when you’re going to need. And if your logo is on the pen somebody needed in an important situation, they are more than likely going to be able to recall what name was on it.

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